Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow! 1-30-10

Ok.. the first pic isn't snow... This was teh Coastie Chicks dinner at Joe's.

Here's the snow! I woke up, of course, to Ashton crawling in bed with me at 7am. Later than usual, but they were up till 10:15 last night! So he keeps telling me he's hungry, so I decided he could have some cheerios (yes, in the bed). So I drag my butt down the stairs and glanced out the window as usual since there's no blinds and my jaw dropped... So I ran back upstairs and grabbed Kailyn out of bed and showed her out her window. So I got them breakfast and put together their weird little snowsuits which included tights, pants, LS shirt and jacket. Kailyn wore her rain boots and Ashton just used his tennis shoes. Anyway, here they are!

Looking out the front window.

Looking otu the back..

Oooooo, aaaaaah....

Out the back door...

haha Brings back memories of Kodiak.

Out the front door. That poor tree.

Yay! Fun in the snow.

Digging out the car.

I got a video of her first time down the stairs. It was sooo funny.

I tried to get him right as he hit the snow, but I was a tad early.

Mommy and Brennan.

Brennan wondering why we are out in the ridiculous cold.

I dug him out a spot to stand in...

He was watching K and A run around.

He let go a few times and just stood there.

Watching bubby and sissy some more...

Then he fell face first into the snow. :-(

And that was it... tired of it!

SO I took him in and got him changed. He was only out there for 5 minutes, if that, but the other 2 lasted like 20 minutes.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Grandma's house

Went and hung out at grandma's house yesterday. We grabbed McDonalds on the way, stopped and helped some people chasing a little dog along 17, and had sloppy Joe's for dinner. We got home around 10. Anywy, here's the kids playing in the yard.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


So Brennan got his first haircut today. It was more like a trim, cause I hate cutting baby hair, but from a distance you can definitely tell a difference. It's off his ears and collar and just a tiny bit shorter on top. *tear* Can't believe he's 13 months already!

I don't like this!

Did you not hear me???

Hey... this steering wheel is kinda cool...

I hear Dora...

Ok mom.. enough about the hair...


Just one more!

Little envelope attached to a card for the date and story of his first haircut. Goes in his memories jar. I'll have to pull a few strands for his baby book too.


So I started my diet last Tuesday, so as of today I am on day 10 and 5 lbs down. I'm using the Slim-fast 3-2-1 plan and said I was going to work out every day, but so far i've only done it once... lol I have the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred dvd. It's actually pretty fun, but it does kick your butt! So I have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Two 200 calorie shakes/meal bars, three 100 calorie snacks (SF snack bars or fruit or nuts.. etc) and one sensible 500 calorie meal. I either eat a Lean Cuisine meal and some fruit or veggies or I eat some of whatever I make the kids. Today I decided to take the kids to get something for dinner and they wanted Taco Bell... I didn't go near that! lol They had Quesadillas and Kailyn had the fiesta potatoes and Ashton had pintos with cheese. I had a chicken, spinachand artichoke panini. ;-) Anyway, here's to losing weight and feeling great! haha

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What we're up to...

Just some pics of what the kids are up to.

Mr. Conductor...

Playing with Toots.

Mmmm... Green beans!

Kailyn wrote a thank you note to one of her teachers.

"Dear Mrs. Wilkins, Thank you for my Christmas presents. I really love them. Love, Kailyn"


So here we are at yet another patrol. Daddy is gone and the kids are crazy as usual. Kailyn is back in school after the holidays so that has helped a great deal with peace around this place! lol We had a great holiday season. Went to Louisiana for Thanksgiving and had a good visit with family. Christmas even we went to Church and Christmas morning we got up super early to do Santa stuff, then headed down to Edenton for Christmas breakfast and present opening at Grandma and Grandpa's. The kids got a crazy amount of stuff, of course, but they are living it all. New Year we just stayed home since daddy wasn't here to celebrate with. I played Modern Warfare 2 on X-box with friends. hehe I was going to watch the ball drop, but forgot cause I was in the middle of a match. *rolling eyes* Silly man getting me into those games. Anyway, that's a bout it! Now to get back to blogging so daddy can keep up with the goings on here at home! ;-)