Monday, August 17, 2009

A Zoo Day

I took the kids to the zoo since we hadn't been in a while. There are a few changes there. They have lots of new gardens, the lion exhibit is being built and they have kangaroos now. Oh, and the train is running. So of course we had to do that.

I told Kailyn about herbivores and carnivores the other day while talking about dinosaurs and teeth, and we got on to other animals too, so I was asking her today what she thought each animal was and why. She remembered!

On the train.

Me and B on the train.

All of us on the train.

The train station. (from the train as we were about to pull back in)

It's a scale model of a steam engine.

Riding a turtle.

Bren was loving the goats.

Kailyn took this of me feeding the goat.


The big pig.. asleep as always.


The cutest little fox in the world.

I tried to zoom in on the one giraffe with his head in the tree... he was sticking his tongue way out to get to the leaves high up. But the pictures were all blurry.

Lunchtime! Chicken tenders, apples and fries.

Riding a rhino!

The people next to us were feeding the goose goldfish crackers.. when they left it came sniffing around our table.

Rainbow dippin' dots.

On the butterfly bench in the butterfly garden.

All of us..

We saw 1 butterfly and about 10 honey bees or bumble bees... lol


Awww.. Lovin' on his giraffe.

Of course what would a day at the zoo be without cooling off in the fountains.

Fun times!